High in the Costa Rican canopy, a drama unfolds. A persistent “swee-u” pierces the air, followed by a series of rapid “ji-ji-jits.” This isn’t a pirate fight, but the territorial calls of the Piratic Flycatcher, a bird with a most deceiving name.
Despite its swashbuckling moniker, the Piratic Flycatcher is a bird of cunning, not confrontation. Unlike its fellow flycatchers who meticulously construct their own nests, the Piratic Flycatcher takes a more…opportunistic approach.
Masters of Appropriation
The Piratic Flycatcher, aptly named Legatus leucophaius, is a resident breeder in Costa Rica, gracing the mountains you see from our retreat with its presence. This sparrow-sized songbird, reaching only about 6 inches in length, is a master of appropriation.
Instead of expending energy on nest building, the Piratic Flycatcher waits patiently for another bird, often the much larger Yellow-Rumped Cacique or Crested Oropendola, to construct a beautiful, woven nest. Then, the piratic drama begins.
Through persistent calls and pestering displays, the Piratic Flycatcher harasses the nest owner. This relentless harassment often leads the frustrated owner to abandon its hard-earned nest altogether. The pirate has won, claiming a prime real estate for its own brood.
A Sharply Dressed Trickster
While their nesting strategy might be unorthodox, there’s no denying the Piratic Flycatcher’s charm. Their plumage is a study in contrasts. The upper body is a rich, chocolate brown, offset by a stark white eyebrow stripe and a pale throat. The underparts are a delightful mix of cream and light yellow, with subtle streaks adding a touch of complexity.
A Bird of the Canopy
Spotting a Piratic Flycatcher can be a challenge. They prefer the high canopy, flitting amongst the leaves and perching on exposed branches. But keep your ears peeled for their distinctive calls. The high-pitched “swee-u” followed by the rapid “ji-ji-jits” is a good indicator of their presence.
With a little patience, you might be lucky enough to see this avian trickster perched proudly on its ill-gotten nest, a reminder that sometimes, in the Costa Rican rainforest, the most successful strategies are not always the most honest ones.
Have you ever spotted a Piratic Flycatcher on your Costa Rican adventures? Share your sightings in the comments below!
Coming Up Next…
Our next avian adventure takes us to the dazzling world of hummingbirds. Stay tuned for a post uncovering the secrets of these shimmering jewels of the Costa Rican rainforest!
For more information, please view our comprehensive guide about the birds of Costa Rica
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