As the first rays of dawn paint the Costa Rican mountains with soft hues of pink and orange, a haunting melody pierces the stillness. This rich, velvety whistle, rising and falling in waves, belongs to none other than the Great Tinamou, a captivating resident of our lush rainforests here at the Costa Rican Retreat.
A Gentle Giant of the Forest Floor
The Great Tinamou, aptly named for its size, is a gentle giant amongst its ground bird brethren. Standing at an impressive 17 inches tall and weighing up to 2.5 pounds, it boasts a stocky build with a small head and long neck. Don’t be fooled by its seemingly plain brown plumage – upon closer inspection, you’ll find a beautiful tapestry of intricate black bars and flecks adorning its body.
A Forest Musician
While sightings of the Great Tinamou can be rare due to their shy nature, their presence is undeniable. Particularly towards dusk, the rainforest comes alive with their signature two- to four-part whistle. Described as “deep, powerful,” and even “velvety with a swelling quality,” their song is a guaranteed mood-setter for a tranquil evening here at the retreat.
A Reversal of Roles
The Great Tinamou breaks the mold when it comes to avian reproduction. Unlike most bird species where the female incubates the eggs, here, the male takes center stage. The female lays a clutch of around four eggs, which the male then diligently incubates and cares for the chicks for the first three weeks of their lives. Talk about a dedicated dad!
A Glimpse into the Past
The Great Tinamou is an ancient species, with fossils dating back millions of years. They are considered to be one of the closest living relatives of the flightless ratites, such as ostriches and emus.
Spotting a Great Tinamou
While a fleeting glimpse of the Great Tinamou is a true treat, there are ways to increase your chances. Our experienced guides here at the retreat are familiar with the birds’ habits and preferred territories. Early mornings and late afternoons are prime times for spotting them, as they become more active during these periods. Keep your eyes peeled for their telltale brown forms foraging for fallen fruits and insects on the forest floor, and listen intently for their unmistakable whistle that echoes through the trees.
A Once-in-a-Lifetime Encounter
A sighting or song encounter with the Great Tinamou is a truly unforgettable experience. It’s a chance to connect with a relic of the past and appreciate the unique biodiversity that Costa Rica has to offer. So, keep your ears tuned and your eyes peeled during your stay at our mountain retreat – you might just be serenaded by this rainforest songster!
For more information, please view our comprehensive guide about the birds of Costa Rica
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