Hotel Rivel

The Elegant Black Phoebe: A Common Sight in Costa Rica’s Mountains

As you wander through the lush greenery of Costa Rica’s mountain retreats, keep your eyes peeled for the sleek and striking Black Phoebe. This medium-sized flycatcher is a common resident, and with its distinctive appearance and active behavior, it’s sure to catch your attention.


The Black Phoebe lives up to its name, boasting a predominantly black plumage. Its feathers are a deep, sooty black, contrasting beautifully with a crisp white belly and undertail coverts. This white forms a distinctive inverted “V” shape on the lower breast, making the bird even more recognizable.

Both sexes share the same plumage, and it remains consistent throughout the year. Juveniles, however, have browner feathers with cinnamon-brown tips and brown wing-bars, making them slightly easier to distinguish.


Black Phoebes are known for their active and lively nature. They are often seen perched on low branches or fence posts, scanning the ground for insects. Their characteristic “tail-wagging” motion is a sure giveaway – they frequently pump their tails up and down, adding to their energetic presence.

These birds are adept flycatchers, using their sharp vision and quick reflexes to snatch insects in mid-air. They are also quite vocal, with a sharp, high-pitched call that can be heard echoing through the mountains.


While the Black Phoebe can be found in various habitats throughout Costa Rica, it has a particular fondness for mountainous regions. They are often seen near streams and rivers, where they can easily find prey among the abundant insect life.

If you’re staying at a mountain retreat in Costa Rica, keep an eye out for these charming birds. They are likely to be flitting around the gardens, perching on balconies, or even hunting insects near the pool.

Where to Find Black Phoebes:

The Black Phoebe has a wide distribution throughout Costa Rica, making it a common sight in many regions. Here are some specific areas where you’re particularly likely to spot them:

  • Central Valley: The mountains surrounding the Central Valley offer excellent opportunities to see Black Phoebes. Look for them near rivers, streams, and in open areas with scattered trees.
  • Monteverde Cloud Forest: This renowned cloud forest is a haven for birdlife, and the Black Phoebe is a resident species. Keep an eye out for them along trails and near clearings.
  • Arenal Volcano National Park: The diverse habitats within this park provide a perfect home for Black Phoebes. Look for them near the lake, along trails, and in open areas near the volcano.

Tips for Observing Black Phoebes:

  • Listen for their calls: The Black Phoebe’s sharp, high-pitched call is a good indicator of their presence.
  • Focus on low perches: These birds often perch on fence posts, branches, and other low structures, making them easier to spot.
  • Be patient: Black Phoebes are active birds, constantly flitting around and catching insects. Take your time and observe them from a distance to appreciate their fascinating behavior.

With its striking appearance, lively personality, and abundance in Costa Rica’s mountains, the Black Phoebe is a delightful bird to encounter. So, keep your eyes peeled during your retreat, and you might just be rewarded with a glimpse of this elegant creature.

For more information, please view our comprehensive guide about the birds of Costa Rica

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