While Costa Rica is a haven for tropical birds with vibrant plumage, our mountain retreat also offers a surprising glimpse into the lives of a Nearctic species – the Bullock’s Oriole (Icterus bullockii). This little burst of orange might surprise birders seeking out the likes of Resplendent Quetzals or Scarlet Macaws, but the Bullock’s Oriole adds a touch of fiery charm to the mountain forests.
A Visitor from Afar
Unlike many of the resident birds you’ll encounter at our retreat, the Bullock’s Oriole is a migratory visitor. They breed in western North America, venturing southwards during the winter months. This means that spotting these tangerine treats in the Costa Rican mountains is a seasonal delight, gracing us with their presence from around September to April.
A Flame in the Trees
The male Bullock’s Oriole is a sight to behold. His entire body is ablaze with a fiery orange, broken only by a jet-black eyeline and mask, and a pair of dazzling white wing patches. This vibrant plumage makes him a standout amongst the verdant mountain foliage. Females, on the other hand, are adorned with a more subdued palette of yellowish-orange and grey, with hints of the male’s fiery hues on their heads and tails.
Acrobatic Appetites
These orioles are a constant flurry of activity in the trees. Their slender bodies and long tails allow them to navigate the branches with ease, often hanging upside down to reach hidden insects in the leaves. Their diet consists primarily of insects like caterpillars and beetles, but they also enjoy a sweet treat – nectar and fruit. Keep an eye out for them flitting amongst the flowering trees or visiting feeders hung around the retreat, their sharp, pointed beaks perfectly adapted for extracting the sweet rewards.
Melodious Mountain Music
The Bullock’s Oriole isn’t just a feast for the eyes; it’s a delight for the ears as well. Their song is a complex, whistled melody, often incorporating chuckling and chattering sounds. These vibrant birdsong performances fill the mountain air, adding another layer of beauty to the tranquil atmosphere of our retreat.
A Transient Treasure
While their stay in Costa Rica is temporary, the Bullock’s Oriole leaves a lasting impression. Their vibrant colors, acrobatic foraging techniques, and melodious calls make them a cherished visitor to our mountain retreat. So, keep your eyes peeled during your stay; you might just be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of this fiery flash amongst the emerald mountains.
For more information, please view our comprehensive guide about the birds of Costa Rica
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