Hotel Rivel

The Energetic Acrobat: Unveiling the Squirrel Cuckoo at Hotel Rivel

Welcome back, nature enthusiasts, to another exciting avian adventure at Hotel Rivel! Today, we turn our binoculars to a captivating resident of the Costa Rican canopy, the aptly named Squirrel Cuckoo (Piaya cayana).

This vibrant bird isn’t your average cuckoo. While some cuckoos are notorious for their brood-parasitic ways, leaving their young to be raised by unsuspecting foster parents, the Squirrel Cuckoo takes a more traditional approach to parenthood. But don’t be fooled by their responsible nesting habits – these cuckoos are a whirlwind of energy and fascinating behaviors!

A Flash of Rust in the Green Embrace

Imagine a flash of rich, rufous brown darting through the emerald embrace of the rainforest. That’s the Squirrel Cuckoo in action. Their plumage is a feast for the eyes, with a striking contrast between the warm brown upperparts and the black belly and tail. Look closer, and you’ll spot a vibrant pop of color – a bright yellow or red eye-ring, depending on the subspecies.

More Than Just a Pretty Face

The Squirrel Cuckoo’s beauty is undeniable, but their true charm lies in their lively antics. Their name perfectly captures their movement – they hop, skip, and jump along branches with impressive agility, much like a squirrel. They’re not big on long flights, preferring to glide from perch to perch in short bursts, their long tail acting as a rudder for these aerial maneuvers.

A Feast for the Insectivore

These cuckoos are insectivores, which means their diet consists primarily of insects. Their keen eyes and sharp beaks make them adept hunters, targeting a variety of creepy crawlies, from grasshoppers and caterpillars to beetles and spiders.

A Songster of the Rainforest

While not as vocal as some birds, the Squirrel Cuckoo does have a distinct call. Listen for their loud, explosive “keek! wahh!” that echoes through the trees, a helpful clue to their presence in the dense foliage.

Finding Your Feathered Friend

Squirrel Cuckoos are widespread throughout Costa Rica, inhabiting woodlands, forests, and even forest edges. Keep your eyes peeled (and ears tuned!) while exploring the trails around Hotel Rivel. You might just spot this energetic acrobat flitting through the trees, adding a touch of lively charm to your rainforest adventure.

So, next time you’re at Hotel Rivel, keep an eye out for the Squirrel Cuckoo. With its vibrant plumage, playful personality, and impressive skills, this remarkable bird is sure to leave a lasting impression.

For more information, please view our comprehensive guide about the birds of Costa Rica

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